Anxiety During the Coronavirus, Part 13 The Benefit of Loose Muscles

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When we experience threat our bodies gear up to try to protect us. It triggers our sympathetic nervous system (SNS) or what is more commonly known as the fight or flight response. Our heart rates and respiration increase along with many other physiological changes, to help us fight and run to minimize harm. This is very helpful when you’re being chased by a bear or warding off a mugger, but for most 21st century stressors, including COVID-19 it does way more harm than good. Because muscles run from head to toe it’s the SNS response that affects the body the most.  In addition to causing muscle discomfort and pain it can cause or contribute to headaches, fatigue, high-blood pressure, insomnia and a whole host of other issues. 

The absolute best antidote to managing your muscle tension and SNS response is progressive relaxation. But, it takes an hour to learn, it is difficult to learn without demonstrating, and requires a big time commitment on a daily basis. So I’m going to give you two quick ways to loosen your muscles. 

Differential Relaxation

Right now use your seat back to rest against and place both feet on the floor. Think of letting go of your muscles and allowing your body to be completely relaxed. Say these words out loud or think them in your mind, pause between each word while noticing what feels the best….loosening…loose…softening…soft…letting go…butter…jello…heavy…light…releasing…released or pick a word of your own that better describes how your muscles feel when most relaxed. 

Now stand…letting go of all tension in your face, hands, arms, shoulder. Using the least amount of tension in the rest of your body. If you’re swaying, great, it’s a sign you’ve let go of a lot of the tension in your legs, if not - think of letting go of 1/2 of the tension in your legs or loosening the legs until you begin to sway. Use the word or words you chose in the previous paragraph. Do the same while walking and throughout your day. 

Tin Man to Scarecrow 

Instead of using Superman to emulate, use the Tin Man as you may strain your muscles if you think of making them like steel. Tightening all the muscles like Tin Man (75%-80% of maximum tightness) for about 8 seconds and then let them go like a Scarecrow for about 30 seconds. Repeat. 

For kids who haven’t seen the Wizard of Oz, ask them to be a spaghetti noodle - first being the uncooked noodle and then the cooked noodle. For anxious kids under 12 check out the Melt Anxiety & Relax Card Deck (click on title) by Barbra Danin and me. One card is the spaghetti noodle idea. Buy the deck for 43 additional tips for kids and 12 tips for caregivers of anxious kids. Teenagers LOVE the Melt Worry & Relax Card Deck (click on title) and many adults love it too. 

Progressive Relaxation Resource

If you want to learn how to do progressive relaxation you can learn it from me for a cost. Just click on the title The Art of Perfecting Muscle Relaxation. At the moment it is 50% off! (Regular price is $59.99, now only $29.99) Psychotherapists, nurses, and some other helping professionals can get 1.5 CEUs. 

Jennifer L. Abel, Ph.D., International Speaker, Author, and Anxiety Expert